
Two new titles are underway in the Alphaedom Academy Series

 Two new titles are underway in the Alphaedom Academy series. Human Divinity: A manual of teachings and messages, and Mind Stock: The Mind is not Human. Human Divinity was inspired by questions about human divinity and as the spirits speak often of divinity, I thought a compilation of knowledge on the subject would be a good idea. There are also new messages on the subject as well.  Mother came up with the idea of Mind Stock and started writing before it was even a book. I chose the name as the publishing company for the Alphaedom Academy series of books and the Jeslibrian University series of books that my sister writes and then I just enjoyed the Mind Stock concept so much, I thought I would release a book on the subject. Mind control has been prominently used in the human species ever since language was developed and through language, people have been influenced either through inspiration or through motivation or both in either benevolent purposes or malevolent purposes. Mi...

New book announced in the Alphaedom Academy of teachings: Intelligence in the Universe

Intelligence in the Universe was written in conversations with Christ, Enoch and Mother and details the experience of intelligence in the universe as witnessed by the spirits who have lived in and explored the conscious universe for thousands of years. These spirits are from many houses and have been channeling many messages to humans on earth and they continue to influence minds on earth to this day. My fascination with the spirit channeling came about due to my interest in the afterlife, not the afterlife that is portrayed in the movies and television programs that focus on haunted houses and ghost sightings, but the afterlife as experienced by those who have long since passed over. It is amazing to me to speak with spirits that are thousands of years old. As an empathic channeler, I receive not only audible messages, but visual messages and I astral travel to the dimensions the spirits show me.  I am not a spectator but a researcher, an investigator and an earnest student and se...

Alphaedom Academy Blog will be changing its name to Publishing Firm Mind Stock

Mind Stock is the publishing LLP that will be releasing the channeled messages of Reva Christ and Mercy Heavens of The Covenant of Christ.  These messages are combined into two series of teachings. The Alphaedom Academy teachings focus on the evolution of the mind with instructional dissertations by Jesus Christ and members of the Council of Zion. These teachings were channeled by Irma Carew (spirit name, Reva Christ.) The Jeslibrian Teachings were channeled by Marie Carew (spirit name, Mercy Heavens) and these teachings focus on the liberation of Christ and his new Christ Civilization. The change in name is coming as we are nearing publication of all educational materials. All materials are slated for print release by the end of 2021 and contain 24 books of channeled messages divided into two categories of teachings: Jeslibrian bible study and Christ Civilization Alphaedom Teachings for the mental evolution of the human mind.

Christ announces his liberation!

Christ has instructed me to announce that his second coming will not be to form a religion. He is interested in improving the minds of men and women through teachings of enlightenment and spiritual truths. He will operate from the Alphaedom Academy as the Director of Spiritual Education and Mind Improvement as well as conducting classes telepathically. In addition, there is a ministry of educational works that he has channeled to my sister. We have combined all of these works on a website The Covenant of Christ: Channeling the Mind of Christ. Christ announces his liberation through the Jesus Liberation movement and philosophy that will be known as the Jeslibrian Philosophies and Teachings led by Marie Carew who has been appointed as first apostle to Christ and granted the spirit name, Mercy Heavens. More at  

The Covenant of Christ: The Edenic Mind

The Covenant of Christ has undergone many changes since Christ first asked me to establish a web presence for his ministry. The original idea was that his covenant would take place in the new Eden and it would deal with the restoration of man's mind and the restoration of the earth. Four volumes of teachings were released and then it was decided to increase the knowledge of Eden to include the Alpha and Omega Mind so the Covenant of Christ in Eden was removed from publication and the Titans of Alphaedom was released instead. Using a self-publishing service, this does not present any problems other than the old title The Covenant of Christ in the new Eden) cannot be removed from KDP's inventory. To compensate for this, a new book of Eden is in the works; The Covenant of Christ: The Edenic Mind. In this way, the library of Alphaedom teachings is complete with a volume on the Alpha Mind, a volume on the Omega Journey and a volume on the Edenic mind; the triad of mental teachings. ...

The Covenant of Christ is now operating The Alphaedom Academy

I have been instructed to establish The Alphaedom Academy as a starting point for all communications in the instruction of mental improvement for the human race. I do this in service to the greater minds of those who have passed before; the teachers of all knowledge in the conscious universe that have been speaking with human conduits through the ages of human time. Mother says, "Only through the sentient matter verse can anything be known, because all knowledge comes through the senses and then natural intelligence perceives, analyzes, draws conclusions, discerns, comprehends and judges the information and the judgment is embedded inside the mind of the witness; the journey man or woman; the discoverer, and if this journey man or woman is human, each embellishes their discovery with their opinions and ideas and propaganda is born.  We endeavor to tell the tale as truthfully as we can; the raw truth before embellishment so all minds may know it. This is a teaching institution for ...

Reaching Christ Consciousness

When the idea came to me to reveal the mind of Christ, Christ wasn't too interested. He was completely unaware that there were people who believed that the knowledge he held was the ultimate knowledge in the universe.  He says, "Man has his own ideas and he credits me for things that he imagines about me. He makes me up as his own personal deity with no idea that I am the living mind of a man that lived 4000 years ago. Yes, that's right, 4,000 years ago. Your estimation of time is not correct.  As a matter of fact your idea of time is incorrect too. You only acknowledge time as the passing of phases, the phases of the moon, the phases of the sun, the aging of the body, the growth of your children, the growth of your crops, but actually, there is no measure of time. Here, where I am now, time stands still. It is static; can you imagine? Yet, I know all that goes on there, on earth. I am a person in my own right and I lived and died on earth as a person. What confuses men is...