Alphaedom Academy Blog will be changing its name to Publishing Firm Mind Stock

Mind Stock is the publishing LLP that will be releasing the channeled messages of Reva Christ and Mercy Heavens of The Covenant of Christ. 

These messages are combined into two series of teachings.

The Alphaedom Academy teachings focus on the evolution of the mind with instructional dissertations by Jesus Christ and members of the Council of Zion. These teachings were channeled by Irma Carew (spirit name, Reva Christ.)

The Jeslibrian Teachings were channeled by Marie Carew (spirit name, Mercy Heavens) and these teachings focus on the liberation of Christ and his new Christ Civilization.

The change in name is coming as we are nearing publication of all educational materials.

All materials are slated for print release by the end of 2021 and contain 24 books of channeled messages divided into two categories of teachings:

Jeslibrian bible study and Christ Civilization

Alphaedom Teachings for the mental evolution of the human mind.


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