Two new titles are underway in the Alphaedom Academy Series

 Two new titles are underway in the Alphaedom Academy series. Human Divinity: A manual of teachings and messages, and Mind Stock: The Mind is not Human.

Human Divinity was inspired by questions about human divinity and as the spirits speak often of divinity, I thought a compilation of knowledge on the subject would be a good idea. There are also new messages on the subject as well. 

Mother came up with the idea of Mind Stock and started writing before it was even a book. I chose the name as the publishing company for the Alphaedom Academy series of books and the Jeslibrian University series of books that my sister writes and then I just enjoyed the Mind Stock concept so much, I thought I would release a book on the subject.

Mind control has been prominently used in the human species ever since language was developed and through language, people have been influenced either through inspiration or through motivation or both in either benevolent purposes or malevolent purposes.

Mind control has been running all civilizations and is in full control of the global economy and whether you believe this to be true or not makes no difference, because as long as you have to have money to survive, you are under the control of the global economy that keeps the money wheel running and all the propaganda that goes with it.

This is how man controls human minds on earth. But this isn't the extent of mind control, for beyond the grave, there are spirits who wish to make the world kinder, more compassionate and benevolent and they are also whispering in the ears of mankind through telepathic channels.

And unless you know the voice in your own head, you really don't know if that small voice that tells you do something kind is your own conscious, or a spirit from the House of Christ, do you? 

You only know what you THINK and not much else. But whoever stops to consider the origins of their thoughts? 

Mind Stock will be available in spring 2021.


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