Reaching Christ Consciousness

When the idea came to me to reveal the mind of Christ, Christ wasn't too interested. He was completely unaware that there were people who believed that the knowledge he held was the ultimate knowledge in the universe. 

He says, "Man has his own ideas and he credits me for things that he imagines about me. He makes me up as his own personal deity with no idea that I am the living mind of a man that lived 4000 years ago. Yes, that's right, 4,000 years ago. Your estimation of time is not correct.  As a matter of fact your idea of time is incorrect too.

You only acknowledge time as the passing of phases, the phases of the moon, the phases of the sun, the aging of the body, the growth of your children, the growth of your crops, but actually, there is no measure of time.

Here, where I am now, time stands still. It is static; can you imagine? Yet, I know all that goes on there, on earth.

I am a person in my own right and I lived and died on earth as a person. What confuses men is that the ones who killed me promoted a legend in order to establish a money making industry off my death. Now the legend has been passed on through generations and as all legends are only the tales of men, so my story has been largely fabricated. 

The truth of Jesus Christ lies with the man that men named Jesus Christ and I am that man, and when you wish to know Christ consciousness, you wish to know my consciousness. As I am the man behind Jesus Christ, what you wish to know is my human information and all of the knowledge I have gained in the afterlife and as all of my knowledge and my ideas are framed around mental teachings that instruct the discipline of the mind in the ways of moral and ethical thinking and virtuous mental conduct, so the information in my mind is also of these things. I do not choose to keep thoughts that are not aligned to my own holy virtue or my holy culture. So you will not find any information that is outside of this frame work. But I do encourage you to read the book that my conduit has written, if only to improve your own mental content through enlightenment."


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