
Showing posts from December, 2020

2021 New Year's Eve Message From The Council of Zion

 "Consciousness will be rising in 2021 as power changes hands in the east and the south responds in rebellion. There will be a revolution from which the west will fall and those who are awake will learn even more about the strange behavior of their leaders and their leader's followers." More will be released in the book 2021: The rising of Human Consciousness.

Reaching Christ Consciousness and The Gospel of the Holy Spirit Published for the holidays

Amid software issues and the franticness of holiday preparations, I was recently able to publish two additional books in the Alphaedom Academy series: Reaching Christ Consciousness and The Gospel of the Holy Spirit. Reaching Christ Consciousness explores the conscious universe through the eyes of the spirits that have been privileged to study it for thousands of years; Enoch, Mother and Jesus. Interviews with the spirits reveal more teachings and dissertations on life as a mental being in the afterworld. The spirits are compelling and intriguing and their stories are inspiring. The Gospel of the Holy Spirit reveals the early meetings I had with the ancient spirits of Zion during my days of bible study back in 2010. This is a very special book bringing back fond memories and fascinating discoveries. Enjoy the food. Happy New Year!


 They Call Him Savior The Return of Christ is the authorized biography of Jesus Christ by Jesus Christ channeled to author Irma Carew, ascended master and channeler of spirits. Irma has received dreams from Christ since 1990, but it wasn't until a near fatal accident in 2007 that she came face to face with the Lord and Savior of the world and since that time she has dedicated her ministry to bringing His messages to the people of the earth through her many books.  They Call Him Savior is available on Amazon.Com in the Kindle store. Check it out! They Call Him Savior: The Return of Christ (Alphaedom Academy Series): Carew, Reverend Irma, Ayrubah, Elijah: 9798627284774: Kindle Store

Blue Markings Removed.

 Thank you KDP for your assistance in removing the blue lines from the text on the Dedications pages of the book They Call Him Savior The Return of Christ.

Look Inside Feature

We are still working on the problem with blue underscore markings on the Dedications pages of the books. As all pages in the manuscript are formatted the same, printed to pdf according to instructions and loaded onto KDP servers according to instructions, it seems odd that only the Dedications page would bear these markings. Mind Stock Publishing apologizes for the inconvenience. We are working on offering the books through the publisher. Thank you for your interest in the Alphaedom Academy Series of books.

Problem with Look Inside feature on Amazon

It has come to my attention that while using the Look Inside feature for books on,  the Dedication page is showing up with blue underscore under every line. I have sent an email to Author Central who referred me to KDP.  At the present time the Look Inside feature is unavailable.  Updates will be posted. Stay safe this holiday season. Good wishes and tidings to all. 

Reverend Irma Carew

When I began compiling my journals of messages into manuscripts, I thought of publishing under my ministerial title of reverend Irma Carew, however, as the work evolved, I decided the direction I wanted to take was less a religious direction and more of a teacher's direction in the field of metaphysical mind science. The KDP system still records my first book, They Call Him Savior, with my title reverend, but you will see that this leads nowhere when you click on the highlighted name. This is because my author's account does not bear the title reverend, it just bears my name, Irma Carew. Clicking on the Irma Carew under any of my other books will bring up my author page and you will see They Call Him Savior there as well. Happy Holidays to all.

The Titans of Alphaedom has published as of December 8th!

 The Titans of Alphaedom has published as of December 8th! This is The Book of the Gods. A thoroughly enjoyable manuscript to write detailing the complete journey of creation, life on earth and the after life as channeled by the gods. For what else would the living mind be that held the secrets of life and death for thousands of years if these minds were not gods, or at the very least, the One God's Mind.

The Omega Journey Published on December 6th 2020

My favorite experience in writing the trilogy of the Alpha, Eden and Omega mind presented in The Empirical Alpha Eden, The Covenant of Christ The Edenic Mind and The Omega Journey, is in all the wonderful messages the spirits passed on to me of their own personal mental journeys of life and death. Channeling a spirit when you are also an empath is like taking an astral voyage; I was transported through their stories and I was privileged to experience the time they lived in and the events that shaped their minds. The connection that I experience between my mind and the mind of my spirit guides is one that transports me to a different dimensional aspect of my own personality and character; I discover that I too, have a spirit personality and character and that both of these affectations are much more refined in the spirit realm, where here, on earth, the lower energies produce a much more lower affectation. Unless you were sensitive to energy waves, you wouldn't really even notice th...

The Covenant of Christ The Edenic Mind published today

 The Edenic Mind is now available and joins They Call Him Savior and The Empirical Eden Mind as the third published book in the Alphaedom Academy Series of Teachings.

The Empirical Alpha Mind Published December 1st 2020

The Empirical Alpha Mind was thrilling to write; I couldn't wait for the input from The Holy Family. The evolution of the book came about quite accidently when the scripture  Revelations 22:13  came to me and I suggested we focus on a series of books that detail the human journey through the Alpha and the Omega.   Jesus was already channeling information for Eden and I thought as earth and Eden were practically synonymous , Eden would be perfect for the second part of the voyage but what of the Alpha voyage what was that about? The Alpha doesn't really have a voyage, I learned, the Alpha Mind is the higher mind of man, it is the portal through which man is connected to the cosmic universe. The Alpha mind is the portal through which all the sentient gifts come including empathy and all psychic gifts. When you understand what we truly are the knowledge is amazing! We are much more than our energy field, our entire energy field is our mind. I thoroughly enjoyed wri...