The Omega Journey Published on December 6th 2020
My favorite experience in writing the trilogy of the Alpha, Eden and Omega mind presented in The Empirical Alpha Eden, The Covenant of Christ The Edenic Mind and The Omega Journey, is in all the wonderful messages the spirits passed on to me of their own personal mental journeys of life and death.
Channeling a spirit when you are also an empath is like taking an astral voyage; I was transported through their stories and I was privileged to experience the time they lived in and the events that shaped their minds.
The connection that I experience between my mind and the mind of my spirit guides is one that transports me to a different dimensional aspect of my own personality and character; I discover that I too, have a spirit personality and character and that both of these affectations are much more refined in the spirit realm, where here, on earth, the lower energies produce a much more lower affectation.
Unless you were sensitive to energy waves, you wouldn't really even notice this, but having experienced the opposite polarity through astral travel in higher planes, I am aware of lighter, energy worlds in ethereal planes which makes me hypersensitive to the oppressive and suffocating lower waves of the material plane.
In order to understand the experience of astral worlds, the information must be pondered considered and reflected upon. There must be comprehension of the material that is presented or it will not become a part of the mental fabric of your own mind and it will not resonate with you.
Resonation occurs like a spark of inspiration. The mind is acutely aware of what it is at the higher end, even if the lower mind is oblivious to this, and once the information sinks in at the lower end, the higher mind can pick up on the seed of truth and then the reader is transported to the world of realization and enlightenment. The message is not only received, but it is understood and comprehended and the mind is eager to hear more.
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Thank you for your comment. I am currently in session with Jesus right now, but I will get back to you.
Peace be with you and with Eden.