The Empirical Alpha Mind Published December 1st 2020

The Empirical Alpha Mind was thrilling to write; I couldn't wait for the input from The Holy Family. The evolution of the book came about quite accidently when the scripture Revelations 22:13 came to me and I suggested we focus on a series of books that detail the human journey through the Alpha and the Omega.  

Jesus was already channeling information for Eden and I thought as earth and Eden were practically synonymous, Eden would be perfect for the second part of the voyage but what of the Alpha voyage what was that about?

The Alpha doesn't really have a voyage, I learned, the Alpha Mind is the higher mind of man, it is the portal through which man is connected to the cosmic universe. The Alpha mind is the portal through which all the sentient gifts come including empathy and all psychic gifts.

When you understand what we truly are the knowledge is amazing!

We are much more than our energy field, our entire energy field is our mind.

I thoroughly enjoyed writing The Empirical Alpha Mind and I know you will thoroughly enjoy reading it.


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