
The Covenant of Christ: The Edenic Mind

The Covenant of Christ has undergone many changes since Christ first asked me to establish a web presence for his ministry. The original idea was that his covenant would take place in the new Eden and it would deal with the restoration of man's mind and the restoration of the earth. Four volumes of teachings were released and then it was decided to increase the knowledge of Eden to include the Alpha and Omega Mind so the Covenant of Christ in Eden was removed from publication and the Titans of Alphaedom was released instead. Using a self-publishing service, this does not present any problems other than the old title The Covenant of Christ in the new Eden) cannot be removed from KDP's inventory. To compensate for this, a new book of Eden is in the works; The Covenant of Christ: The Edenic Mind. In this way, the library of Alphaedom teachings is complete with a volume on the Alpha Mind, a volume on the Omega Journey and a volume on the Edenic mind; the triad of mental teachings. ...

The Covenant of Christ is now operating The Alphaedom Academy

I have been instructed to establish The Alphaedom Academy as a starting point for all communications in the instruction of mental improvement for the human race. I do this in service to the greater minds of those who have passed before; the teachers of all knowledge in the conscious universe that have been speaking with human conduits through the ages of human time. Mother says, "Only through the sentient matter verse can anything be known, because all knowledge comes through the senses and then natural intelligence perceives, analyzes, draws conclusions, discerns, comprehends and judges the information and the judgment is embedded inside the mind of the witness; the journey man or woman; the discoverer, and if this journey man or woman is human, each embellishes their discovery with their opinions and ideas and propaganda is born.  We endeavor to tell the tale as truthfully as we can; the raw truth before embellishment so all minds may know it. This is a teaching institution for ...

Reaching Christ Consciousness

When the idea came to me to reveal the mind of Christ, Christ wasn't too interested. He was completely unaware that there were people who believed that the knowledge he held was the ultimate knowledge in the universe.  He says, "Man has his own ideas and he credits me for things that he imagines about me. He makes me up as his own personal deity with no idea that I am the living mind of a man that lived 4000 years ago. Yes, that's right, 4,000 years ago. Your estimation of time is not correct.  As a matter of fact your idea of time is incorrect too. You only acknowledge time as the passing of phases, the phases of the moon, the phases of the sun, the aging of the body, the growth of your children, the growth of your crops, but actually, there is no measure of time. Here, where I am now, time stands still. It is static; can you imagine? Yet, I know all that goes on there, on earth. I am a person in my own right and I lived and died on earth as a person. What confuses men is...

Writing the Empirical Alpha Mind

The Empirical Alpha Mind is a book by Jesus, Mother and Enoch that takes the student on a journey of understanding the higher mind, known as the Alpha Mind that is connected to the higher universe of the spirit. The Alpha Mind is vast, empty and innocent and it is the first to encounter corporeal existence. While in innocence, the Alpha mind lives, but as soon as pain occurs, the Omega mind is born, and we must refine our thinking so the Omega survives to serve the Alpha. The Alpha mind is the mind of the sentient field and the sentient field is the field of sentient information that is the web of existence. All of life is sentient in nature and design, but not all of life is open to the sentient field. Awareness of the sentient field is a condition of sentience. Sentience is not a physical property but a metaphysical property. Sentient life appears on earth in the form of vegetation including plants and trees, the animal kingdoms and the insect kingdoms. Rocks, liquids an...

Writing the Omega Journey

The Omega Journey is all about the journey of the Omega mind that refines its information in order to serve higher worlds in the afterlife, and this book was special to me, because I am a deep thinker, always trying to refine the knowledge I hold and the teachings and stories of those who have survived for thousands of years are inspiring to me. The Omega Mind is written by Jesus, but also contains written chapters that were channeled through Mother and Enoch  as they recounted the challenges they faced in their corporeal lives as well as their memories of their death and their experiences in the after life.

Writing They call him savior

Channeling thousand year old spirits is fascinating, they adapt so well to modern colloquialisms, but retain their own "old world languages and characteristics. They are polite, refined, sophisticated and eloquent and coming from the US, this is an anomaly, compared to the brash, crude society we have today.  I often feel I am in a PBS period piece whenever I am transported to their world in astral travel. I have never been particularly imaginative, however, I have learned that the mortal world does not inspire me. The spirit world is much more interesting, colorful, creative and imaginative and I love the people in it. I am privileged to have three main spirits from Christ's House, including Christ, to guide me in the area of my own spiritual understanding and conscious evolution and I am grateful for their counsel and assistance in all areas of my life." They call him savior, is special because it is Christ's own story of his life; it is a look at the man behind...

Writing The Titans of Alphaedom

The Titans of Alphaedom represents the full human journey as dictated in Revelations 22:1 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”  The Alpha before matter creation, the Eden that signifies man's creation and the start of his journey and the Omega, man's return to God. As a titan is defined as a God, so the Titans represent all of man's ideas of God. Jesus and I shared many conversations about Eden, before Eden ever became a manual of philosophies and teachings. We spoke in the gardens of Gethsemane as we shared a stone bench, we spoke by the river of life each of us sitting on a rock, we spoke while walking an empty beach, we spoke in his throne room sharing his throne chair with me seated to his left and we spoke in his home in Damascus, sitting on silk pillows on the floor in the main room of his stone cottage and most recently, he transported us to his library where we sat across from each other in arm chairs and he smoked a ...